Android stats: insights from Hanson developed apps

Android Stats: Insights from Hanson-Developed Apps

Consumers purchase more than just iPhones. In fact, Google's Android platform has a larger market share than Apple's iOS. If your business is contemplating building a multi-platform app – or simply deciding what version of the Android OS to build for – you need some key metrics to help you make the best decisions.
Lt. Matthew Hertzfeld is public information office for the Toledo Fire and Rescue Department

Social Media in the Public Sector: An Interview with Lt. Matt Hertzfeld of the Toledo Fire and Rescue Department

Last year, Hanson partnered with the Toledo Fire and Rescue Department to develop a beautiful, responsively-designed website, along with a presence on Facebook. They’ve been tremendously successful, thanks in no small part to Lt. Matt Hertzfeld, Public Information Officer. He recently took the time to chat with us about his experience developing the department’s digital properties and some of the lessons he’s learned.
Hanson welcomed the Toledo Web Professionals to the June 12 meetup

Toledo Web Professionals on AWS

Pizza and PowerPoint were on the menu at our offices last Wednesday night for the June meetup of the Toledo Web Professionals. This month, it was our privilege to both host the event and provide one of our own as the speaker. Steve Bumbaugh, a director of engineering here at Hanson, gave a presentation about Amazon Web Services (AWS), including an overview of AWS and how we use these services for our clients.
NeoCon 2013 at the Chicago Merchandise Mart

Digital at NeoCon 2013

This week is NeoCon, the annual commercial interior design expo, and Hanson’s own Craig Hagenbuch and Chris Pollum are hoofing their way around the Chicago Merchandise Mart to give us a report. They’re checking out the thousands of new products for the corporate, hospitality, healthcare, retail and residential sectors, and keeping an eye on how all these innovative companies are using digital.
tips for conducting user testing

Tips for Conducting User Testing

If you’ve been following this series, you already know why user testing is important to any digital project. And you’re familiar with a range of testing methods that help you gain insights into user preferences and measure user behaviors. Now the final element of your testing plan is to decide how you’re going to conduct your user testing.
choosing the right types of user testing

Choosing the Right Type of User Testing

Last week we launched an intro to user testing: why to do it, and why it should be an ongoing process of improvement. Now it’s time to get more specific about the types of user testing and how to select the best ones to meet your objectives, budget and timeline.
image of person user testing a website or application

Intro to User Testing

Let’s say that one of the key performance indicators you’re tracking on your site is the number of requests for literature. But the numbers seem surprisingly low. How can you find out why? Do some user testing.
iOS Stats insights from Hanson Developed Apps as of April 2013

iOS Stats: Insights from Hanson-Developed Apps

Apple is known for keeping mum about new products in development and user stats. That's why there's a whole industry on the web devoted to rumors about what Apple has in the pipeline. And it's certainly their prerogative as a business strategy. But the downside is that it offers developers little insight into app usage, operating system versions, or even the devices used.
Trade shows are a great opportunity for social engagement

Why Trade Shows are Great Opportunities for Social Engagement

Trade shows have long served as a breeding ground for innovations and relationships. And while many brands and industries have spent decades perfecting their trade show strategies, social media is a relatively new addition to these strategies. As more companies continue to develop an active social presence, many are realizing that trade shows are great opportunities for social engagement. Here are a few reasons why.