Android Stats for Hanson Apps, Q2 2014

Are you ready for another round of Guess How Many Android Devices Are in Use? We don’t have that answer, but as we continue to develop new apps and test the latest devices, we do have some updates to our quarterly statistics.

Are you ready for another round of Guess How Many Android Devices Are in Use? We don’t have that answer, but as we continue to develop new apps and test the latest devices, we do have some updates to our quarterly statistics.

Here’s a comparison of Android devices used to access Hanson-developed apps during the first two quarters of 2014. Of the 146 devices we’ve logged (of thousands on the market), Samsung is clearly taking the lead.

Stats on Android Devices Used to Access Hanson-Developed Apps in Q2 2014

And here is how the popularity of Android operating systems has shifted from the first quarter to the second:

Stats on Android Versions Used to Access Hanson-Developed Appss Q2 2014

Check back next month for a new report on Apple statistics, or view our latest in the meantime.

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