What We Know Now: Krysta Adamczyk

Video production has been a core offering at Hanson since we first opened the doors twenty-five years ago. And while we’re all familiar with how powerful video can be, many of us have little knowledge of what goes on behind the scenes. So to continue our ongoing series of interviews with Hansonites (see some of our previous discussions, including Account Manager Kate Whetsel, Account Director Michael Hirsh, and Director of New Business Development Craig Hagenbuch), I recently sat down with Video Producer Krysta Adamczyk to get a closer look inside the video production field.

Sally: You were Broadcast Communication major in college with a minor in Psychology. Did you always know you wanted to get into video in some way?

Krysta: Actually, yes. I have been interested or involved in video production since I was in Middle School. Back then we produced a weekly show which was basically a flashier version of the weekly announcements. I think I fell in love when I was able to produce a segment where I listed out the top 10 music videos for the week. I recorded MTV’s TRL on my VHS (yes, it was that long ago) and recorded an intro of myself in different places of the school each week, editing the music videos to take out anything inappropriate for my middle-school audience. I don’t know why, but that experience has always stayed with me.

Sally: What surprised you the most when you first started working in the video production world?

Krysta: I was surprised at how little I actually knew. You graduate college thinking you know everything, and once you get into a position, you quickly realize that you don’t. A lot of what I do and know now has been the result of on-the-job experience, not what I learned in college. And after my eight years working in this industry, I still don’t know everything, but I learn something new every day.

Sally: A Video Producer may mean a lot of different things. Can you give us an understanding of some of your tasks?

Krysta: It really just depends on the day. In my position, I wear a number of different hats. In the office, I am the communication liaison, video department traffic manager, account manager, project manager, and a production coordinator. On a video set, I am the line producer, wardrobe coordinator, art department (props),  craft and catering manager, script supervisor, talent wrangler, sometimes hair and makeup, and most importantly, I make sure John Rerucha, Director of Photography, has coffee and Twizzlers.

Sally: How important is it to develop strong client relationships in your role?

Krysta: It is incredibly important. When you work on a video project, you can’t have an “us and them” mentality. You need to work as a team with your client in collaboration to pull together the project. With that comes a lot of trust, compromise, understanding, and the ability/comfortability to have the tough conversations if things don’t go according to plan. I’ve learned that in order to set your team up for success, you have to cultivate a strong relationship with your client.

Sally: What advice would you give to someone going into video production?

Krysta: In video production, the only thing that is consistent is change. A lot of what I do is react to the changes presented and find solutions that fit within our timeline and budget. If you’re a person who doesn’t like change or can’t adjust on the fly, this is not a career choice I would recommend. It is really fun and incredibly rewarding, but it absolutely comes with challenges.

Sally: Is there anything you know now that you wish you would’ve known at the start of your career?

Krysta: As I think about the last eight years of my career, a lot of things come to mind that I wish I would have known, but I think the biggest thing is that I wish I would known or understood at a deeper level the importance of pre-production planning and project management. My background was more in the production or execution/technical side of the business. 75% of a good project is in the planning and coordination. While I have learned to adapt, I would have liked to have had more preparation in that area.

Sally: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Krysta: The world of video production technology is constantly changing. So I would add that in order to stay relevant in this business, you have to keep up on those technology trends.


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