Adobe Generator

Adobe Generator: Best Thing Since Sliced GIFs

We don’t usually discuss specific products on the blog, but a new feature of Adobe Photoshop CC called Generator has our team talking. Starting with version 14.1, Photoshop allows developers to directly export layers as graphic assets without having to slice, hide, nudge, copy or paste.
Jason Follas talks about HTML5 Canvas Element

Toledo Web Professionals Explore the HTML5 Canvas Element

On March 13, Hanson was proud to host this month’s meeting of the Toledo Web Professionals. Forty-plus designers, developers and other creative professionals from the Toledo area crowded into our purple conference room to hear Jason Follas of Perficient, Inc. speak about designing interactive applications and games with the HTML5 canvas element.
integrated help features are more intuitive and fun

Why We Love Integrated Help

Have you noticed all the friendly, integrated help popping up everywhere? YouTube, Google+, MySpace (you should check out the new MySpace), and tons of apps are all moving away from traditional help menus and stand-alone content to more intuitive introductions and in-the-moment assistance...

Infographic: 4 Types of Redesigns

When you think of a website redesign, what comes to mind? Is it a new look and feel only? Does it include updated functionality? What about backend updates? Where is the line between updating a site and starting over with a new one? Everyone seems to have their own definition.
5 Things Your interactive Designer Wants You to Know

5 Things Your Interactive Designer Wants You to Know

As an interactive designer, I work with clients everyday, sorting out the nitty gritty of how to present information on a page in order to sell a product or service. It’s a privilege to collaborate on client projects, and it’s rewarding. But sometimes designers are misunderstood, and we don’t always have the opportunity to explain why and how we do what we do. So if you’ve ever wondered what your designer was thinking, here are five possibilities..

SlideShare: What is Responsive Design?

Think about how you typically consume information on the internet. PC? Tablet? Smartphone? TV? Internet consumption is an essential part of our everyday life. But the devices we use to consume this content are multiplying and changing at a rapid pace. And these devices differ in screen size, resolution, and interface, to mention just a few variations. To give users access to this content via a variety of devices, we have to start making websites more flexible or responsive. By changing how we think about website design, we can maximize our audiences without having to rethink the wheel for every individual device. Our slideshare shows you how...