What is a Digital Agency?

We didn’t invent the term digital agency, and we’re certainly not the only company that uses it to describe themselves. But it’s a term that sometimes spawns questions. Just what is a digital agency? And what exactly do we do? To answer these questions, it might help to explore other terms we could use—and why we choose not to use them.

We didn’t invent the term digital agency, and we’re certainly not the only company that uses it to describe themselves. But it’s a term that sometimes spawns questions. Just what is a digital agency? And what exactly do we do?

To answer these questions, it might help to explore other terms we could use—and why we choose not to use them.

For example, why not call ourselves an online advertising company, internet marketing company or digital media firm? We do help clients advertise online, but those phrases don’t capture the holistic approach we take with our clients and their other agency partners to create a connected brand experience across every platform, digital and otherwise. And those terms don’t even hint at the in-house engineering strength that enables us to build the infrastructures that support these marketing activities.

Similarly, we don’t call ourselves a web design or development firm, because those terms conjure front end developers and programmers coding in isolation. Instead, our developers are collaborating with strategists and account executives to solve complex business problems. We’re not just designing websites—we’re developing custom APIs and kiosks and order fulfillment databases, creating brand campaigns and content marketing plans and social engagement, filming and staging and producing live events.

So in a nutshell, what is a digital agency?

  • It’s a community of specialists in everything digital.
  • It’s a resource for creative problem solving.
  • And, above all, it’s a partner. We get intimate with our clients’ businesses and industries, apply our specialized knowledge and best practices, and help clients realize the true value of these integrated efforts.

So while there are a lot of other terms out there that touch on pieces of what we do, you might boil it down to this: we’re digital specialists solving complex problems with and for our client partners.

We call it being a digital agency. And we love every bit of it.

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