Late last year, Visual Designer Ben Morales was among a handful of the region's top mobile photographers to be invited to participate in The Toledo Museum of Art’s Exploring an #emptyTMA event, an opportunity to explore this world-class museum on a day that it was closed to the public. All of us at Hanson thought this was pretty cool because not only is the museum one of our client partners, but Ben is a very talented photographer. I recently talked to Ben about what he got out of this exclusive experience.
“People don’t buy cars from buildings. They buy from people. Use social media to humanize your brand.” ---Mary Henige, Director of Social Media for General Motors. That’s just one of the main themes I took away from Eastern Michigan University’s Search Marketing Workshop on November 7: the importance of humanizing both search and social campaigns.
So much has changed in my life from when I attended Eastern Michigan, a place that set me on my current path. Returning there always holds a lot of emotion and memories. That’s why being asked to speak on November 7 at The Search Marketing Workshop, a conference that has been formed there over the past four years (starting from just one class that I was lucky enough to be a part of six years ago) was a little surreal. I was honored to be considered and am always looking for a way to give back to current Eastern Michigan students.
Chris Kujawski, Senior Metrics and Media Strategist
Facebook turned 10 years old this month. What is that, like, 70 in social media years? Does that mean Facebook is outdated? Yes. But that doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant.