De-Mystifying Google Analytics Part 1: Internal Site Search

Most websites utilize some form of internal search that allows users to quickly find what they’re looking for by typing keywords into the search box. But many website owners and marketers don’t realize that this internal search data is available to them through search content reporting in Google Analytics – and that it can go a long way in helping them better serve their users.
Hanson takes the Bing it on Challenge

Hanson Takes the Bing it On Challenge

Have you seen the Microsoft TV ads suggesting Gmail users are being “Scroogled”? Or the ones where people on the street are given blind tests to reveal whether Bing or Google is their preferred search engine?
A site redesign is the perfect time to revise and update your content

4 Reasons to Revise Your Content During a Redesign

Do you have dusty boxes in a closet or basement that you never unpacked last time you moved? You ran out of energy. Or you ran out of space. Maybe (gulp!) it’s been boxed up for decades and you just keep moving it with you. Now imagine that those boxes are the website content you haven’t updated in five years...